Saturday, April 12, 2014
Hello Out There...
I also have some other exciting news..I will be teaching Kinder next year! I am excited for this new journey in my career. I have a current kindergartner and a pre-kinder child, so I will be a lot closer to them and will get to see them more often. This is perfect timing because I am currently a 4th grade teacher and my oldest is in 4th. It has been a great year being able to see her all day. She will be moving to another campus for 5th grade and will be moving closer to my other two babies. :-) I trust and admire my administrators so much and of course I trust in God to take care of me so I trust that this move will be a great one!
So, now I guess as I turn my focus to Kindergarten, I will begin creating lessons for them. I am REALLY excited about that aspect of the job! I can't wait to create units that are fun and challenging (oh, and don't forget cutsie!!).

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Floral Teacher Lesson Planner
I am so excited about the newest addition to my back to school collection….my floral teacher lesson planner. I just printed it out, had it bound at Office Max, and she’s ready to use (and BEAUTIFUL, if I do say so myself). Check it out and get yours today by clicking on the picture below. Enjoy!!

Monday, July 8, 2013
Freebie!! Word Wall
Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop in and share a freebie that I just made. I have to admit, I saw something similar on Pinterest, but it was one of those FRUSTRATING ones that didn’t link to ANYTHING when you clicked it. So, I just made one pretty similar to the one that I saw. Basically what I intend to do with it is make my students a book for each 6 weeks. They will write down all of the words from the word wall and finish completing the assignment on their own to show understanding. I will probably allow them to do this during word work time or as homework. Just click on the link! Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Whew! I’m Exhausted!
Well folks! I am officially spent! I have gone non-stop for almost 2 weeks straight. I’ve been staying up late, getting up early and planning, planning, planning for the school year! My feet are killing me from all of the standing too! I guess I got a little too comfortable sitting on my rear end this summer. What about you? Are your as tired as I am?
All week long my students have been working on a genre project for their writers notebooks and it is turning out to be a really cute project. I will share pics soon! I told them today that the best ones will be “featured” on my blog…so needless to say, they are excited!
Hope you are all managing better than I am! I am sure that in a couple of weeks I will get back into the swing of things!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Classroom Passes (restroom, etc)
So, you may have noticed that I have a thing for binder rings this year! I created these class passes and posters and decided (for my class at least) that I am going to take the full page posters, hang them from binder rings, and use clothespins on them to maintain my passes this year. I like the idea of being as germ-free as possible. What do you use for passes? I would love to hear from you! Click on the pics below to download these for a buck! Not bad, eh? :-)
Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Tiered Planning Page
This summer I took classes to get my Gifted and Talented certification through my school district. I learned a lot about differentiation and I came home refreshed and ready for the new school year. As a result, I made this Tiered Planning Page to help me out and so I decided to share it with you. Click on this link to check it out and download it for yourself. Happy Planning!

Monday, August 20, 2012
“Owl”dorable Critics Corner
My classroom last year was done up in owls…I just think they are so cute and there are so many teaching and room decorations out there these days that have owls on them…so it was easy the fall in love with them. That’s how I felt when I found these “owl”dorable owls, so I just had to make something with them. I had already decided that I want to put a Critics Corner in my classroom this year because I am going to really be asking the students to put a lot of thought in their reading this school year. What better way than to have a Critics Corner where students can leave book reviews on the books they have just read; recommending them to others by using a star rating system! Set includes 3 posters, 1 Star Rating Chart and a book review form for the students to use to fill out their critique. I am looking forward to using this in my classroom and I hope you like it too! Click on any pic below to go to the download.
Hootin’ and Hollerin’!!